New York Times interview with “The Good Doctor,” aka Peter Hackett, as Jerry calls him…

Severe Frostbite Gets a Treatment That May Prevent Amputation

The F.D.A. recently approved the first therapy for patients in danger of losing their toes, fingers and other exposed parts of the body.

Peter & Jerry out for a bike ride ~ May 27, 2023

By Matt Richtel/The New York Times

The first time Dr. Peter Hackett saw a patient with frostbite, the man died from his wounds. It was in Chicago in 1971, and the man had gotten drunk and passed out in the snow, his fingers so frozen that gangrene eventually set in.

Dr. Hackett later worked at Mount Everest Basecamp, on Denali, Alaska, and now in Colorado, becoming expert in treating cold-weather injury. The experience was often the same: There was not much to do about frostbite, except rewarm the patient, give aspirin, amputate in severe cases and, more often, wait and accept that six months later the patient’s body might “auto-amputate” by naturally shedding a dead finger or toe.

~ Read the full article ~

Matinée anyone?

Are you a movie buff AND still own a DVD player? I’m looking for someone who would love Jerry’s movie collection… or some of it… He burned possibly over 600 movies, including many classics. His favorite genre, he’d like to say, was “chick flick with a little killing.”

Wearing Jerry’s shoes… pouring pisco sours… this Friday @ Provisions

Amie Minnick, owner of Ridgway restaurant Provisions, asked me if it would be ok to do a repeat of last year’s Pisco Sour Noel Night in honor of Jerry, with a % of the proceeds donated to an organization that Jerry would be happy to support. “Well absolutely!” I replied… anything honoring Jerry is wonderful and heart warming… and he enjoyed it so much last year. Then she asked who I thought could bartend… and somehow, out of character, as if the idea came from somewhere else (Jerry?)… I said “me?” … and the Great Randini of course. ~ Thank you Amie ~

what: Noel Night @ Provisions

when: this Friday, December 1 @ 5 pm to ??

who: Randy Gregory and I will be guest bartending

10% of proceeds donated to: Big City Mountaineers, a non-profit organization that introduces disadvantaged youth to the transformative wonders of nature.

Jerry shaking Pisco Sours ~ Noel Night @ Provisions 2022

Butterfly Portal ~ Words by Erika Moss

From a deathbed,

there is ample time

to locate the door,

together, late at night

they decide 

that the butterflies 

are the portal. 

These homemade 

strands of wings

a best friend made, 

brightly colored things

against the curtain

of autumn, 

a last act

for the final act. 

By now, 

the walls are 

thin as leaves, 

and everyone knows

they will blow away.

He is prepared 

to leave her,

and also not 


There are decisions

to be made, 

and then again,

haven’t we been 

here forever? 

One foot in each world,

always arriving

and departing, 

not so much between 

as of both, as

this too is 


like love, like haiku,

like the last ripe tomatoes,

the covered mirror,

the way she knows how

to do this

with so little practice,

she is prepared 

to say goodbye,

and also not prepared.

The flowers she planted

for him are making 

their last grand stand 

in the garden,

the ones we pick to lay 

on his body, sunstruck 

heliopsis and dahlia,

sage and lavender,

the dogs linger close.

What the fuck,

she says at his feet, 

it’s absurd,

it’s out of our minds,

unfathomable as a baby.

They say the spirit 

lingers for three 

days after, the breeze 

moves in 

through an open window,

slams shut the parlor door,

and one might say,

Did he just depart?

but instead she says, 

Use the broken winged

angel for a doorstop,

and so I do

and all these

broken winged angels

have never been

so beautiful.

The crown is cold first,

and yet, still he is here, 

he and his books,

and so I go through them

like he wanted,

this man I wish

I had known better,

and perhaps now I do,

this wise guy,

this sleeping monk, 

now more sun 

than cloth, more moth

than cocoon.


Dia de los muertos ~ gracias SXB


Dia de los muertos
Shrine for Jerry
And John
Tempting them to visit tonight with:
Christmas cookies and sugar skulls,
Candlelight flickers,
Bright orange marigolds,
Therometer for mountain weather master to ponder,
Mexi beer and watermelon for quenching thirst,
Bright flags and colorful fabrics to please the eyes,
Well loved straw hat for good vibes,
Cactus button planted in blue pot
And bright ceramic loteria tiles for amusing games.

Who could resist?